Joining Hands


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Expanding Impact

United Way of Elkhart & LaGrange Counties and United Way of Noble County have joined hands to form Crossroads United Way, serving Elkhart, LaGrange & Noble Counties


Why join hands, why merge?

  • Our goal is to better mobilize human and financial resources; to create lasting, measurable change that improves people’s lives in Elkhart, LaGrange & Noble Counties.


What are the benefits of merging?

  • Greater Impact – More Lives Changed

A regional United Way will engage more volunteers and allow greater financial investment in all three counties in our focus areas of Education, Health and Financial Stability.


  • Greater Efficiency

To accomplish our goals of improving lives, we will combine administrative functions to create cost savings and increased organizational performance.


Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Where will my donation go? 

Funds raised in each county will support programs in the county in which they are raised, unless a donor designates otherwise.


  • How will donations be allocated?  

Each county will have volunteer panels composed of local citizens who will determine the best programs to invest in.


  • Who will lead the merged organization?

A Board consisting of volunteer leaders representing Elkhart, LaGrange and Noble Counties will govern the organization.


  • Will there be staff changes?

No staff changes are currently planned.


We're excited about moving forward together

  • Over the past year, United Way of Elkhart & LaGrange Counties and United Way of Noble County have partnered together on several projects that have increased each organization's impact.

  • Crossroads United Way will continue to champion the unique identities of the communities it serves.

  • An expanded United Way will have greater ability to address community needs that are regional in scope.


We remain committed to our core principles

  • The merger will enhance our ability to effectively accomplish our shared mission and serve our communities.

  • We will respect and honor the intentions of our donors.  Money raised in each county will stay in each county, unless a donor designates otherwise.

  • We will maintain and coordinate individual community identities as we create a unified organization.

  • We will remain aware of and responsive to differences across our diverse communities.


We expect little short-term change

  • Donors and stakeholders will see little change in the short term.  Full transition and integration could take a year or more.

  • We will continue to work together with local organizations and programs as integral partners.

  • Offices will remain in place.  Staff will continue to provide quality services.

  • Crossroads United Way will continue to coordinate with volunteers and community leaders to help guide local strategies, programs, relationship building, and fundraising.

United Way fights for the education, health, and financial stability of every person in our communities