Make a Difference - GIVE today!

Give today

Support Your Community

At Crossroads United Way, we believe that everyone can play a role in creating positive change. Whether you’re a company looking to make an impact or an individual seeking to contribute, there are many ways you can give to improve the lives of people in our community.

For Companies

Business 365 Circle
Make a big impact with just $1 a day. By joining the Business 365 Circle, your company can help improve education, health, financial stability, and basic needs for families in Elkhart, LaGrange, and Noble counties. There are several ways businesses can get involved:

  • Run a Workplace Campaign
    Encourage your employees to contribute through payroll deduction, creating a culture of giving and community impact.

  • Sponsor a United Way Event
    Partner with us by sponsoring a community event, gaining valuable exposure for your brand while supporting local programs.

  • Donate Raffle Items
    Support our fundraising events by donating items valued at $365 or more, which can be raffled off to raise additional funds for those in need.

  • Round-Up Donations or Sales Campaigns
    Invite your customers to round up their purchases to the nearest dollar for a donation or designate a special sales day where a portion of your profits goes to United Way.

  • Cause Campaigns
    Develop a unique product or service where a percentage of sales goes directly to United Way, such as creating a special menu item, product, or service offering.

Learn More About Business Giving

For Individuals

Donate Now
Every donation—big or small—makes a difference. Your contribution helps fund vital programs that improve the health, education, and financial stability of individuals in our community.
Make a Donation

  • Monthly Giving
    Become a sustaining supporter by setting up a monthly donation. Just $30.42 a month can amount to $365 a year, ensuring continued support for local families.

  • Planned Giving
    Make a lasting impact by including United Way in your will or estate plan. Your legacy can continue helping others for generations to come.

  • Honor or Memorial Giving
    Honor someone special or memorialize a loved one by making a gift in their name. It’s a meaningful way to celebrate their life and values.

  • Volunteer Your Time
    Giving doesn’t always have to be financial. Volunteering your time is another impactful way to support United Way’s mission. Whether individually or as part of a group, there are numerous opportunities to get involved. Find Volunteer Opportunities

Why Your Gift Matters

Your donation to Crossroads United Way goes directly to improving the lives of those in need within our community. From supporting early childhood education programs to providing financial stability resources, your gift drives real change. We carefully vet all funded programs to ensure the highest impact.

Together, we can create a stronger, healthier community for all.

For more information, please contact us at: